City Busting Exam

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City Busting, the Nuclear Weapons Revolution, and Precision Guidance

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The experience of the Gotha Raids on London during World War I led many Inter-war air war theorists to conclude

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At the beginning of WWII, the British decided to focus first on:

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American public opinion supporting President Truman’s 1944 decision to drop two nuclear bombs on Japan has:

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What is the relationship between a nuclear weapon’s yield and its lethal radius?

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Under the just war theory, proportionality is a critical test of whether warfare is justified or not. This concept refers to

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According to Digby, the use of non-nuclear precision guided munitions in war:

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Digby argues that the advent of precision guided munitions and their use in war:

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In 1952, the United States successfully tested its first thermonuclear weapon, “Ivy Mike.” It had a yield of 10.4 megatons. Roughly how many times greater is this yield than that of the Hiroshima fission bomb “Little Boy,” which had an estimated yield of 15 kilotons?

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A weapon with a yield of 3.5 mt is equivalent to a weapon with a yield of:

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The Allies rationalized the bombing of Dresden as being militarily justified to disrupt military production and communications. What facts, however, suggest the bombing was aimed against innocent civilians?

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The Butt Report assessed the effectiveness of British bombing. It concluded that in night-time attacks on industrial targets in the Ruhr:

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The revelations made in the Butt Report led the British to:

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The Butt Report refuted the inter-war theory that:

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